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Northwoods Elementary School CommunityMrs. Olson’s Northwood Elementary School First Grade Class in Puyallup, WA.
VETRANS donated a computer, monitor and printer for their classroom.

VETRANS fully embraces the values and beliefs that make America great. We take great pride in the contributions and sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform. We believe in supporting our local community and our service members. We make sure that the rubber hits the road with respect to this commitment in a number of ways:

Richard L. Bianchino MECEP Scholarship: VETRANS founded this scholarship in 2007. It is awarded quarterly by the United States Marine Corps Support Group to the outstanding Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program participant. All MECEP participants are active duty Marines. More information…

United States Marine Corps Support Group: In addition to the Bianchino Scholarship, VETRANS contributes to this outstanding organization regularly. In addition to hosting bi-monthly meetings, the Support Group contributes to the well being of active duty Marines and JROTC organizations throughout the Puget Sound. (http://wamarines.org/)More information…

Transportation Club of Tacoma: Since 1926, the Transportation Club of Tacoma centers on building bridges within the transportation industry while at the same time serving Tacoma and Pierce County communities through our charitable work. VETRANS participates in the Club’s activities as an active membership and by sponsoring many of the Club’s fund raising activities. Vince serves on the TCT Executive Committee. (http://www.transportationcluboftacoma.org)

Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity: Habitat is a hand up, not a handout. In addition to making a minimal down payment and 0% interest mortgage payments, homeowner families are required to commit 500 hours of ‘sweat equity’ building their own home and the homes of other Habitat families. VETRANS supports this organization by providing donations in kind (transportation of goods), contributing food at Habitat builds, contributing money, and volunteering to work at builds. (http://www.tpc-habitat.org/)

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